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Coming Out for Christmas Page 4

  Ryan thought that was an odd request. He wondered why it should take two people to carry a couple of empty trays. He looked at Andy. Andy was giving him a little smirk. Ryan rolled his eyes.

  "Sure," Ryan said as he took one of the trays.

  Scott took the other one and followed Ryan back to the kitchen.

  "Apparently," Ryan said,"this is Andy's smooth way of getting us alone together so we can talk."

  "I've been wanting to talk to you since the other day," Scott said. "But I wasn't sure that you wanted to talk to me anymore."

  "It's not like that, Scott," Ryan said.

  "Look, Ryan," Scott said. "I know that I threw you for a loop by coming out and all. But I can't deny who I am. I was hoping that you of all people would understand."

  "I do," Ryan said. "More than you can imagine."

  "I mean, you're my best friend. We've known each other all of our lives. It's not like I'm a different person or anything."

  "I'm gay too," Ryan said softly.

  "You've been surrounded by gay guys this whole trip. It's not like it should make you uncomfortable, or anything," Scott said. Then he paused. "What the hell did you just say?"

  "I said that I'm gay, too. All right?"

  Scott stared at Ryan for a moment and then said, "You're shitting me."

  "No, I'm not."

  "Not what? Gay, or shitting me?" Scott asked.

  Ryan gave him his best exasperated look.

  "You're serious," Scott said. "When the hell were you going to tell me?"

  "I just did!"

  "Yeah, well how long have you been holding out?"

  "I just figured it out myself," Ryan said. "This trip has been a real eye opener, let me tell you. In more ways than one."

  "I can't believe this," Scott said. "All of this time."

  "Well, it really hasn't been all that long for me," Ryan said. "I mean, I suppose that I always was gay, but I'm just now realizing it. I feel like a dope. I mean, look at you… You seem to have it all figured out."

  "I'm not that far ahead of you, Ry," Scott said. "I had to go all the way to L.A. to come out. Hell, my parents don't know. How about you? Who all knows?"

  "Andy guessed," Ryan said. "He probably told Nick. Now you know. That's about it."

  "Well, there are worse places to come out," Scott said.

  "That's what Andy said."

  "Ed's going to shit a brick when he finds out," Scott said.

  "Well, he's not finding out on this trip," Ryan said. "Or any time soon, if I can help it. We've never gotten along, and this would just make it worse."

  "Wait a minute," Scott said, smiling broadly. "So, you're just now figuring this out. And what you are telling me is that you've never done anything with anybody?"

  "Uh, no," Ryan said. "Well, girls. But that was, you know, just eh."

  "I know. Been there, done that."

  "What do you keep smiling about?" Ryan asked. "What's so funny, anyway?"

  "Oh, nothing," Scott said inching his way toward Ryan. "I don't want to scare you off, Ry… But do you realize how many wet dreams I've had because of you?"

  "Me?" Ryan asked, his voice almost a squeak.

  "Um hmm," Scott said, coming closer. "I've been thinking about my best friend a lot these past few months."

  "Me?" Ryan asked again. "Really?"

  Scott was standing close to Ryan now. He was so close that Ryan could feel the heat of Scott's body. He was starting to become aware of quite a few things about Scott that he had never noticed before, like how tall Scott was; Ryan only came up to his neck. And, man, he had large hands.

  "Have you ever thought about me, Ry?"

  "Uh, kind of," Ryan said.

  "Only, kind of?"

  Scott reached out and put his hand on Ryan's shoulder. Ryan licked his lips and swallowed. He stood there, waiting for whatever was coming next. Scott's face came toward him and Ryan closed his eyes.

  When Scott's lips touched his, it was like an electrical shock went through Ryan's body. Ryan's stomach did a major flip. He swore that he felt butterflies in his gut, and his heart started racing.

  Scott pressed his lips more firmly against Ryan's and angled his head. When Scott's tongue brushed against Ryan's mouth, Ryan parted his lips, allowing Scott's tongue to slide in. Ryan gave a slight whimper when their tongues touched.

  Scott must have taken that as encouragement, because he stepped closer to Ryan. Cupping the back of Ryan's head in one hand, he leaned down and kissed Ryan more aggressively. After a few moments, Scott abruptly pulled back, and gazed down at Ryan's face.

  "Are you okay?" Scott asked. "Is this too much?"

  "God, no," Ryan said as he wrapped both arms around Scott's waist.

  They stepped toward each other, closing the space until their torsos were touching. Ryan had become hard, and he could feel Scott's erection against his stomach. He instinctively rocked his hips against Scott as they kissed.

  Ryan was lost in sensation. The feel of Scott's mouth on his, a guy's mouth, was amazing. Holding a muscular body in his arms was what he had been missing all of this time. This was right. This was what he had been looking for. He knew it now.

  "What the fuck is going on here!"

  Scott and Ryan jumped apart as if a bucket of cold water had been tossed on them

  Ed, Ryan's stepfather, was standing in the kitchen doorway glaring at them.

  "Ryan, are you out of your fucking mind?" Ed was yelling. "Are you on drugs or something?"

  Ryan's mother had come into the kitchen from the dining room. She stood next to her husband and asked, "Ryan, what's going on?"

  "I'll tell you what was going on," Ed bellowed. "Your son was kissing his friend, Scott, here."

  Ryan wished he could escape. He now knew what it meant when people said that they wished the floor would open and swallow them. This was all going so horribly wrong. He sensed someone behind him, and he glanced around. Andy and Nick had come into the kitchen by way of the TV room. The expression on Andy's face was blank. Nick, however, didn't look pleased at all.

  "Ryan?" his mom asked again, confused.

  "I knew that he shouldn't have come here and stayed with these two," Ed pointed at Nick and Andy. "They've turned him. And you," he said, turning on Scott,"I always knew that something was a little off with you. Now we know why."

  "There's nothing wrong with him," Andy said.

  "You stay out of this," Ed said to Andy. Then he said to Ryan, "Get your things. We're leaving."

  Ryan looked at his mother. "Mom?"

  His mother didn't reply. She just stood next to her husband with tears in her eyes.

  "You're coming with us," he said to Ryan. "We'll get you straightened up, boy."

  There was an uncomfortable silence in the kitchen as everyone watched the drama playing out before them. Ryan didn't move, and it was obvious that Ed was getting more impatient.

  "I said to get moving, boy," the man said, "If you don't come with us now, you'll be cut off. You won't be getting any more money for college."

  For years, Ryan had put up with Ed's bullying. When his mother remarried after his father died, Ed had stepped in and started controlling both of their lives. The man had always found fault with Ryan, belittling him at almost every opportunity. Nothing that Ryan had ever done was good enough for the man.

  "You don't have any say in it," Ryan said. "My dad left me that money in a trust fund. You can't touch it."

  "I don't care. I'll have you declared unfit to manage your own affairs," Ed's voice was loud in the kitchen.

  Ryan looked at his mother. She still didn't say anything. Ryan knew that she had always been afraid of her husband. Wasn't she even going to stick up for her son?

  "Mom?" he asked again.

  "She's not going to bail you out this time," Ed said. "On second thought, don't even bother getting your things. You're coming with us. Now."

  "Ryan, you don't have to go with him," Andy said. "You are an adult."

>   "You stay out of this!" Ed yelled at Andy. "It's none of your fucking business. You've always turned my stomach, truth be told. If you'd had a man raising you, instead of an old woman, you would have turned out right. Someone should have been here to knock some sense into you years ago."

  Ed took a few steps toward Andy. Andy didn't budge.

  Suddenly there was movement all around Ryan. Henry appeared out of nowhere to stand in front of Ed. The stupid collar belied the fact that Henry was standing there braced, his body tense, growling softly.

  Then Ryan's view was obstructed by Nick's back. He couldn't see exactly what was happening, but he could sure hear it.

  "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Ed?" Nick asked. "Tell me you weren't making a move toward Andy."

  There was silence in the room. Ryan heard another low growl rumble from Henry as Nick and Ed squared off.

  "Just let me get the boy, and we'll get out of here," Ed finally said.

  "Ryan is not a boy," Nick said. "Legally, he is an adult. If he doesn't want to leave, he doesn't have to."

  "You stay out of this. It's none of your business. "

  "It became my business when you started coming across the kitchen," Nick said. "I think it's time for you to leave."

  Ryan's view was still blocked by Nick. After a few more tense moments, Nick moved. When the view cleared, Ryan saw that Ed and his mom were gone. Andy and Nick were looking at each other


  "I'm sorry…" Ryan started say.

  Nick exhaled, obviously releasing some of his tension. He looked at Ryan and Scott.

  "Are you guys okay?" Nick asked.

  Ryan looked at Scott, and they both kind of nodded, mumbling a "Yes."

  "Damn," Andy said. "You two sure know how to liven up a party. What do you have planned for the Fourth of July?"

  They all laughed, relieving a little more of the tension that had permeated the room.

  "Hey. We'll finish up in here," Andy said. "Why don't you guys go somewhere and talk?"

  As they went outside through the back door, Ryan said, "I can't believe what just happened."

  "Well, Ed has always been an asshole," Scott said.

  "So much for this being a safe place to come out."

  "It was like being in some bad Lifetime Channel made-for-TV movie," Scott said, laughing.

  "Oh, shut up," Ryan said, laughing a little himself. "Dork."

  "Jesus," Scott said, looking up at the house while shielding his eyes. "There are even lights on the back of it."

  "Nick was really into the decorating. He went a little overboard." Ryan said, laughing.

  "It's blinding," Scott said.

  "I had to help him. At least I'll be gone when it comes time to take it all down and put it away."

  Ryan noticed that Scott frowned.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Us leaving," Scott said. "I mean, we just barely got started, and now you're going to head back to Arizona, and I'm going to L.A. That sucks."

  "I know. But we'll figure something out," Ryan said. "I mean, we've always been friends. And we've got a whole week before we leave."

  "It doesn't seem like enough."

  "Then we better make the best use of our time," Ryan said.

  Scott looked up at the house, squinting.

  "Well, I'd pounce on you here, but we would be on display," Scott said.

  Ryan felt himself blush.

  "Do you want to go back inside?" Ryan asked. "Upstairs?"

  "Now, that sounds like a very good idea."


  When they went back into the house, no one was left in the kitchen. Ryan wasn't sure what to do, but Scott solved it by taking his hand.

  "Which way?" Scott asked, giving him a smile.

  Still holding hands, Ryan led the way up the back staircase and to his room at the other end of the hall. When they arrived at the door of his room, he stopped and looked up at Scott. He saw the gentleness and encouragement in Scott’s eyes and his nervousness abated a little.

  Scott gave his hand a squeeze and said, "It'll be okay." And Ryan believed him.

  When they walked into the room, they both laughed. The glow of the Christmas lights hanging on the outside of the house filtered through the sheer curtains. The room was bathed in a warm golden light. It was just enough to see clearly, but not glaring.

  "Mood lighting," Ryan said, joking. He was so nervous; he had no idea what he was saying.

  "Hey," Scott said. "Come here."

  Scott pulled Ryan toward him and they came together. With their arms around each other's waists, the full length of their bodies touched as they kissed. Ryan was trembling as much from fear as excitement.

  "It's okay," Scott said softly against Ryan's lips.

  "I don't know what to do," Ryan said.

  "We'll take it slow," Scott said. "How about we make out? Then we'll see where it takes us."

  "Oh, my God," Ryan said.

  He was so nervous, but he trusted Scott and felt secure with him. He couldn't believe that he was with Scott, in a bedroom, getting ready to… Ryan's mind reeled and he couldn't think clearly. Fortunately for him, Scott could.

  Scott toed off his shoes and then took off his shirt and socks. When he stood before Ryan in only his jeans, Ryan reached out a shaking hand and laid his palm on Scott's chest. Ryan felt the hair covering the firm muscles of Scott's chest and brushed his hand lightly across it. This was his best friend, a person with whom he had spent countless sleepovers with over the years. He was now looking at Scott as he never had before, and it took his breath away.

  The butterflies were back, fluttering madly in Ryan's stomach. He looked down and watched Scott's hands as he began undoing the buttons of Ryan's shirt. When he had finished with the buttons, Scott pushed the shirt off of Ryan and tossed it on the chair. Then his hands slowly undid the buckle of Ryan's belt. He pulled the belt through the loops and then it joined Ryan's shirt on the chair.

  Scott gently pushed Ryan to sit on the bed. Then he reached down and removed Ryan's shoes and socks. Once they were off, Ryan scooted back on the bed and Scott joined him.

  With Ryan on his back, Scott laid a hand on Ryan's chest and leaned over to kiss him. As they kissed, Scott moved to cup Ryan's head with one hand as he began a leisurely exploration of Ryan's mouth.

  When their kisses intensified, Scott shifted to lie on top of Ryan. With their bare torsos pressed together, he began circling his hips in a grinding motion, rubbing their crotches together through the fabric of the jeans. Ryan ran his hands along Scott's sides, gripping at the tight muscle bands.

  Still kissing Ryan, Scott rolled to his side again. As he nibbled at Ryan's lips, Scott moved his hand to Ryan's jeans. Once he undid the buttons of the fly, Scott was able to slide his hand under the waistband of Ryan's briefs. When Scott's fingers touched the sensitive head of his cock, Ryan jumped; and when Scott's hand cupped him under the fabric, he almost came. Ryan broke the kiss, grabbed Scott’s wrist, and lay there panting, trying to regain some control.

  "Are you okay?" Scott asked.

  "Give me a second. I almost came."

  "That's okay. It will take the edge off," Scott said.

  "No. Not yet."

  For some reason, Ryan didn’t want his first time with a guy ending with him coming in his pants. It was important to him that it be more than just a jerk off session. He wanted to fully touch Scott. He wanted it to be skin to skin.

  "Let me get rid of these," Ryan said as he started struggling with his jeans.

  Scott stood up to remove his own jeans and underwear while Ryan got settled. If Scott's chest had excited Ryan, the sight of his friend's erect cock almost sent him over the edge. He had seen Scott naked plenty of times over the years, but he had never really looked at him. Now, he got an eyeful.

  Ryan instinctively reached out for Scott. When Scott rejoined him in the bed, they began kissing and clutching at each other, all control gone. The intense sensations and the heat were
too much; and it was over rather quickly. They both came, their cocks sandwiched together between their bodies.

  "Oh my God," Ryan said, trying to catch his breath.

  "Are you okay?" Scott asked him quietly as he wiped them both off with the edge of the sheet.